Displaying items by tag: Greater Hartford Womens Conference
As a vision coach, how can I not love Possibilities, this year's theme for the Greater Hartford Greater Women's Conference, in its 7th year, on March 25th. Dr. Gina Barreca's keynote is certainly destined to be thought provoking and hilariously funny! That's who she is and what she delivers!
Possibilities are what we create for ourselves when we're willing to reach up - out - and beyond what we are currently experiencing.
Possibilities are what keeps me going. The new idea is what I need to complete the current project - it's what pulls me through to completion. I always want to jump to the new but mostly I've trained myself to complete the old before plunging into the new.
What if we were to walk through this wintry cold and step into Spring right now? Sign me up for warm and yummy possibilities. My door is open for welcoming the new, for collaborations not yet imagined, and for the fun and life affirming new growth!