Where Art & Message Meet
I see writing as art and art as writing. I see the picture of where I want to go and head off in that direction. I like knowing what will illustrate the words so the words have direction. When the words take a new direction other pictures jump onto the page.
My Mother was a writer and definitely my source of inspiration.
During a particularly precarious and difficult time she handed me a little red book, I can still see it in my mind’s eye, that encouraged me to consider where I was, what I needed to do about it, and what I wanted next for my life. This relates to the questions
I'm often asked,
"what's next, Jill?
The monthly column of
the last 6+ years has
been the place where
I’ve had the opportunity
to write about family
and friends, relationships,
everydayness, and the home that supports our visions
and the place we return to from our adventures out in the world.