Summer Color


S U M M E R   C O L O R

Still time to enjoy Mother Nature's palette

Summer brings with it easy access to locally grown, and hopefully organic foodstuffs. Bright summer colors are the perfect color for our eating choices. The red of the early strawberries made me ever so happy, that is until I succumbed to a pesticide attack brought on by the berries that weren’t organic. One step forward, two steps back. I want to shop locally, and/but it’s increasingly important to make organic choices even if the price is higher. The ultimate cost of ingesting pesticides is higher yet!

Mother Nature Knows her Colors 

The colors of the rainbow create a healthy and visual recipe for what’s best to eat – mix - match and blend these colors:  

Red ~ throw in the washed strawberries

Orange & Yellow ~ add mango and pineapple

Green ~ add a green - like spinach

Blues & Purples ~ complete the rainbow with the berries,

add coconut water and a protein powder

Living with Color

Recently, I was reminded by feng shui consultant, Lurrae Lupone, that my preferred color palette of blues and greens for my office and home needed to be juiced with some high energy colors. My preferred summer colors and mid-tones just aren’t enough!

Just like our diets, the colors of our spaces creates how we feel and what we experience in them. Some shots of deep colors like red and purple need to be added into my world. I wander through the cottage “trying-on” what may or may not work. How do they make me feel? So far, I’m not feeling so great about these new colors. I balk, hesitate, and complain a bit, actually a lot, as these aren’t my favorites. Shifts and changes even as “simple” as adding a few touches of a new color, feels difficult, not so easy-peasy. I’ll consider these new colors as Fall approaches and the energy changes and directs itself into less play and more work. The workshop facilitator that I am has just as much trouble as anyone else in realigning with new ideas. The slight difference might be that I recognize my resistance. I’m suggesting we put on a different pair of sunglasses, perhaps rose colored, or what other color you’re attracted to, and get on with it.

Summer’s Playground

Summer adventures of sun and fun can also be taxing. We’re sailing; it’s a race of sorts with little or no wind coming our way. Even with singing “row, row, row you boat” we battled the tide and sat in the void of no-wind. It could have been embarrassing had we been the only ones to have given it up and been towed in…UGH!Next, we’re in Paul’s canoe; we’re venturing for what I like to call “shopping for driftwood”, or as he likes to say, “we’re off to the bone yard”. Split the difference, it’s both! We’re along the CT River shoreline with paddles in hand looking for unexpected shapes of tree trunks, limbs, and found objects weathered to perfection into the full range of driftwood colors created nature’s way. These treasures will lend themselves to hours of creative playtime as they are morphed into backyard works of art.It’s Summer and it’s Easy to be in the Flow, or is it?I love the idea of less is more, keep it simple, answer-don’t answer the phone, no matter what, life changes and we don’t have to work so hard to make it happen. In the flow of summer, we want to be outside, in the heat, in the water, walking under the moon. Mostly, it doesn’t matter where we are as long as it’s outdoors.Summer is a colorful playground just waiting for us to get outside and well, PLAY!