#LikeAGirl, I Am Woman

Sometimes it is as easy as shovelling snow by the full moonlight


Sometimes you have to wait until the right idea comes along. Sometimes you just need something new to get the juices flowing.

Inspiration often comes from unexpected places. The ground-breaking Super Bowl ad, #LikeAGirl inspired me here and on a moonlit night.

I didn’t know what I wanted to say, not until this morning. I am working at home. It’s not a snow day (for a change), it’s Jill’s day to create in the home studio. And as often happens, something else jumps up and waves its hand, needing my attention. 

I love my propane gas fireplace. It is my friend in the evening when I arrive home, it is my friend in the morning as I have breakfast. It warms me and Carrot the cat, for our 15 minute meditation that starts us off for a good day.

The only problem is that this morning, I believe I’m about to run out of propane gas. Worry and the inability to easily check the gauge, has caused me to not use the fireplace as much, or to consider not cooking on my stove top. Neither is a good option. Here comes the challenge. Propane gas tanks are not part of my design vision. The solution is to vanish the 325 gallon gas tank by burying it in the backyard. The propane folks are happy to deliver, when the tank can be found: not so easy under two feet of drifted and frozen snow. Tired of the worry, I order a delivery for the next morning.

Snow and shovelMy high school student neighbor has shoveled out the driveway. He even came knocking without a desperate call from me. He says he will clear a path to the tank. The tank site is at least marked with one of our driftwood treasures. Dislodging the certainly frozen metal cover will be the challenge. All is well. I’m pleased not to ask the ever-willing Paul for help, though he has finished off the driveway and created a path to the cat door. I’m guessing Carrot has bribed him. 

In my mind, the propane path is handled. That is until I arrive home from my evening Child & Family Agency meeting and discover, it’s NOT handled. I have been failed. What’s a girl to do? The answer to the question is easy, though I didn’t initially choose it. There’s an absolutely beautiful full moon. Start shoveling. Clear the path. Be prepared, like the forever Girl Scout that I am. Fortunately, also very Girl Scout-ish, I had placed a very long stick in the hole in the cover, so I knew where the tank was. The path is now clear. The blue shovel clears the way. All that remains for the morning is what I’ve imagined to be the most challenging, this is, to free the metal cover. We’re almost there! 

ToolsI oversleep. Guess I was a bit tired. I’m dreaming about the propane tank, granted not very sexy, but I’m shown the tools needed to free the frozen cover. In my dream state, I see the exact hammer and the chisel. I know exactly where they are in my collage studio in the clear box labeled “Tools.”

I hear a truck, I freak, I jump out of bed and see the blessed All Waste garbage guy freeing my garage bins at the end of the now liberated driveway, thank you Paul and others. I still have time for the last of the propane job. Coffee and a quick breakfast fuel the effort. Tools in hand, I walk the path smiling at my moonlight work. I dig out around the now ground level cover and clear away the ice with the chisel. With the hammer and a few whacks on the chisel, voila! Now all is in fact, well. The cover is free. I thank my angel team and am back in the house in 30 minutes, or less, after a couple of iPad photos. Seems nothing happens today that we don’t take a picture of, so here’s one of mine.  

Two hours later, Quality Propane and their very nice driver, Eric Riebold, shows up. He’s smiling, and doing his filling the tank thing. He thanks me in appreciation for having cleared the way. And why wouldn’t I?” was my thought. It seems some folks don’t. I felt empowered, and excited to share my moonlight adventure, and eventual success. It was nothing, but to me it was everything.

Be a sport and clear the way for these guys! They want us to be warm. So make it possible, with ease and grace.

Note from the artist: If you’d like a copy of I Am Woman “bird,” email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . In kind, we’d like to add you to our mailing list for occasional updates from the Jill Butler art&design Studio. To find out what a “Bird” is read the back story about the collection of drawings created in memory of my brother, York Butler. www.jillbutler.com/yb-fund.html.