Jill in Motion (12)

Self explanatory, don't you think?

Sunday, 29 January 2017 10:35


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coffee cuppause for conversation with Jill Butlerconnect

Upcoming Gatherings:

Travel the World with Postcards—a FREE international postcard exchange program

Day:     Saturday, March 11, 2017
Time:   10am – noon
Place:  Jill’s Studio Boutique, Chester CT
Fee:  Free
 Click here to register
Day:     Thursday, March 30, 2017
Time:    6pm – 8pm
Place:  Jill’s Studio Boutique, Chester CT
Fee:  Free
 Click here to register
Come discover the traditional as well as the counter-intuitive of
 •  Mail Art
 •  Postcrossing
 •  Giraffe Consciousness
 •  and share what matters most to you. 
Directions:  4 Water Street Chester, CT 06426
We are over the Wheatmarket, enter the building at the FED EX box 
and take the elevator or stairs to 2nd floor.
We are at exit 6 off of Route 9, head to Chester Village;
go thru the intersection take right into parking lot.
NOTE:  Map Quest GPS is not always reliable.
paws cat


Thursday, 10 April 2014 12:13

Clear the Clutter Workshop Video

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Monday, 03 March 2014 19:00

Clear the Clutter

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More Possibilities for Clearing the Clutter with Jill

When:  March 22, 2014 from 3 to 4 pm, followed by wine, cheese and conversations

Where:  Saybrook Point Inn

Wednesday, 22 January 2014 12:12

Workshop: Clear the Clutter

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A workshop facilitated by Jill Butler

When:  Saturday, March 1, 2014 from 9:15 to 12:30 pm

Where:  Spiritual Life Center, Anam Cara Room,  West Hartford, CT  06107

Wednesday, 13 November 2013 13:35

Kid Wisdom Rules

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2014-calendar-coverSuddenly I HAD to create a calendar. It is almost the new year, YIKES, and I saw the perfect opportunity to not only  create a calendar, but to use one of our favorite themes within the JillsBirds'nWords Collection.  KID WISDOM.  Order here in our boutique and you'll be contributing to the Child and Family of Southeastern CT, as well as offering a charming and handy gift for friends and family!

To answer your question about when's the next workshop?  We'll be starting the clearing the Clutter season with a program at the Spiritual LIfe Center in West Hartford, CT.  The focus will be cleaning the stuff and the emotional stuff so we can make way for creating our sacred spaces.  

I encourage you to subscribe, above upper right corner, to our  BeBold! mailing list so you're in the loop.  We won't barrage you with stuff.

We're having a grand time connecting our "tribe members in our Blog Book, on Facebook  (Jill Butler art&design). If you'd like to be featured, let's talk!

workshop illustrationCan't see it, find it, or express it, or just plain stuck? 
Here is an opportunity to an opening and a way through expressing more of who you are already.

Join Jill once again, or for the first time, in a hands-on, practical, Spiritually connected creativity program. Remembering that "what we imagine is what we create",  Jill's everyday mantra, will become yours if it isn't already. This program will be fun and full of discovery!

When:  Saturday, October 19, 2013 from 9:15 to 1:00 pm
Where:  Spiritual Life Center, Anam Cara Room,  West Hartford, CT  06107
Fee:  $75 includes the program fee and take home materials; your payment will hold your spot. Please bring a bag lunch!
- See more at: http://www.spiritlifectr.org/index.cfm?load=page&page=88#sthash.tz6YqXdl.dpuf

To register, click here

Wednesday, 17 July 2013 13:09

Join us on Pinterest

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Here at Jill Butler Art and Design we are so excited.  We have entered the world of Pinterest and love what we have found.


It has been lovely to find so much of Jill Butler Designs already pinned to different people's boards. And now we are going to add more Jill Butler to the mix.


Be sure to check out our Human Nature in all it's Splendor board, which will showcase Jill's wonderful 'Birds'nWords'.

We will also be highlighting ideas and images from Jill's Books, especially Create the Space you Deserve. 


So much to discover and share!


Look forward to seeing you on Pinterest!



Create the Space You Deserve

Jill Butler is the author of the wonderful and delightful book “Create The Space You Deserve”.  While the title may make you think it’s a book about decorating your home, it’s not. Through beautiful artwork and her own design ideas, she guides you to create that special space for yourself where you feel freedom and joy. I spoke with Jill about her book and how single women who are buying a home solo might perceive it.

“There are those who totally get the book and then there are those who go ‘huh, this isn’t a decorating book?’  And I say to myself, well, it wasn’t intended to be a decorating book.  It’s about you, sister.  If you want help, which we all need, whether it’s from the Realtor or the designer; I used help.  But I’m not going to tell you what color to paint your bookshelves.  I’m not going to tell you where to put your chair.”

While interviewing other women who’ve bought their home solo, I’ve made some interesting observations.  I talked to a woman from immigrant parents, third generation, but the first one to ever buy their own home in that family.  I also interviewed a woman whose mother was single and they’ve moved eight times, before her mother could buy a home of her own.

Many women who came from similar backgrounds, when they reached their late 20?s, or early 30?s, it became a burning passion to buy their first home and have their special space.  And then there’s this whole flock of women who are in midlife, not first-time home buyers, but they’re going through a life change such as death of a spouse, or a separation and divorce.  They’re not first-time home buyers, but they’re first time solo home buyers looking for their own space.

Jill spoke to this being a very different experience because now they get to do it the way that they want.  “What is their voice telling them? And are they open to listening to their own voice.  That’s probably the salient point.  You’re single, but are you in fact listening to your own voice?  Because we listen to our girlfriends, our lawyers, our ex-husbands voices running through our head.  Are we really listening?”

In my real estate practice I have noticed some older women who aren’t as financially savvy as the younger women.  They’ve been dependent and they’re having to figure out the whole finance thing on top of being single.  They know what they want, they know what they can afford, they do not want to overspend, they would in fact rather under spend as well as have a home that’s not going to require a lot of maintenance.

There’s more fiscal responsibility on the part of women than on the part of single men who aren’t even thinking about that kind of stuff.  It’s just all about commitment.  It filters right into buying a house.  The men think, “I might as well rent for another few years”.  And the women say, “No, I’m throwing away all this money”.  A lot of them buy with a potential partner in mind and thinking about what they could do with the home when or if that happens.  A lot of them were exploring, “Is this a viable rental unit?” as well.

I asked Jill for her take on single women creating their own space.  Did she think there are certain emotional issues single women face in terms of buying a home and creating the special space they want. What are their hot buttons?

Jill sees it as an age thing and if they’ve been slammed by a divorce, then there’s a huge emotional recovery there that has to happen.  “My own experience, and those who I’ve talked to in my interviews, they have a crying need for healing.  They believe the house will eventually happen.  But in the meantime, there is this process of getting to the place where they can heal in the safe home they’ve created, the process itself is part of the healing.  If it’s a divorce situation, there comes a point of ‘I don’t know’ and the asking for help is a huge piece, which is empowering because we women are so independent.

“We maybe haven’t learned that we have to ASK.  Not just to ask you, the expert, but to really go inside; that’s the spiritual asking.  That’s why I strongly suggest in my book the writing and then get into the meditation and the prayer and to understand even the law of attraction.  As I think I create.  I can feel still the blowback.  I’m a pretty strong gal, but having come back from France, married for 16 years to Mr. Big Deal with the big check book, even though I had been in business in New York and had a major company and all that jazz.  Now I’m 16 years having been under the check book, with the guy, and now I have to reinvent my life and my financial world. How amCTSYD I going to do that?”

We talked about the factor of trust and how big it is.  It starts with the exterior trust in the advisers who you surround yourself with, such as the Realtor and the lender.  For some women, who have been badly burned, the trust is difficult to build. And sometimes they never trust.  So it really depends.  It’s critical to have that trust to successfully buy a home.

Jill described the process on how she went about buying a home of her own. “What I did, which I think is a really great thing to have done for me and my process, is I spent time writing down what I wanted.  This is what is going to make me feel safe.  I want a small property.  I want to be able to maintain it.   I want to be able to put my own twist to it so if it needs some renovation or work, I’m willing to do that.  Some people are comfortable with that, others are not.  I’m totally cool with doing some work on it.

“I made a very serious want list and I kept editing it until it was the list of the things I wanted.  And I asked my agent not to show me anything that doesn’t qualify on this list.  Don’t waste my time or yours.  These are the towns that I want to live in.  Here’s a wonderful word to use:  rightsizing.  Rightsizing is very positive, where downsizing feels like you have to get out of perhaps a larger marital home to go live in this little cottage.  I’ve never been happier.”

Jill’s focus is about empowering women to create a safe and beautiful nest for themselves at any age. Her book “Create The Space You Deserve”.  helps you find your why.  You can read more about Jill Butler on her website: http://jillbutler.com or email her at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may also enjoy this video from her website.

EnJOY and blessings,

All artwork courtesy of Jill Butler Designs



Join Jill Butler as she leads us in a workshop about "Creating your Vision," Saturday, May 4th, from 9:30 - 1:00 at the Spiritual Life Center in West Hartford, CT.

Together we will explore how the spirit is our guide and cheerleader.

Gift yourself the gift of focusing on yourself, your spirit, your career, your home, your health & your world. You're the only one who can!  Join us for a friendly, lively and productive time with other kindred spirits.To register on-line go to


or call: 860.243.2374

For more information click here to go the Spiritual Life Center's site.


Tuesday, 22 May 2012 17:13

Recently Launched for GE

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Recently launched for the GE Women's Leadership Practices Program are their training materials that "honor" the participant with artfully crafted materials by Jill Butler… art&design. Using their content and our database with 10,000 works of art and the illustrated "Birds" we created their training manual that invites the participant to the table for learning.  As quoted by GE facilitator, Sandy Sullivan, "your creativity and tenacity (it took 3 years of holding vision for this to happen) has now, literally, colored GE in such a positive way". Their program has been global for years and now so are we as they leave for San Paulo Brazil!  This was an exceptional collaborative project where Sandy additionally noted, "it was a win-win for all. (Our collaboration began in 2008 with the banner and the 60 "Bird" choices. It was inspired with co-facilitator Nancy Schumann who was attending our Creative Intensive Program in our Chester, CT studio.)

Here's a testimonial from a participant who attended the launch program using the new materials.

Good Morning Jill,
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Leadership Practices (LP) course at GE, led by Sandy Sullivan and Nancy Schumann.  Needless to the say, the course was phenomenal and the timing for me as a leader both personally and professionally could not have been better.
GE_CoverIt is my understanding we were the first class to use the new, colorful binders filled with your inspiring artwork.  Even walking into the room the first morning of class, the artwork on the binder caught participants attention and set a positive tone for what was to come. Looking at each of the "Birds" and their mantras gave us pause to evaluate how they reflected in our lives; something we excelled at, something we wanted to be, or something we had not yet considered and now have front of mind for future breakthroughs.  As I sit here in my office with my chosen bird of “being is what I am doing” next to my monitor, I am reminded to remain present and to be inspiring and courageous as a leader through all my actions.
The combination of your birds, your artwork and the expertise of Sandy and Nancy made the course a wonderful experience of growth and renewed spirit.  On behalf of the April 23-24th Leadership Practices attendees, THANK YOU for your contribution to our memorable experience!

Kind regards,
Jacqueline, GE Health