Jill Butler
Personal, universal, authentic, lively, and on-target are what best describe Jill Butler's presence and presentations.
Her messages and thinking are unique.
Her art, illustrations, and "JillsBirds'nWords" are what make her keynotes, workshops and programs effective and memorable.
Clear the Clutter
More Possibilities for Clearing the Clutter with Jill
When: March 22, 2014 from 3 to 4 pm, followed by wine, cheese and conversations
Where: Saybrook Point Inn
As a vision coach, how can I not love Possibilities, this year's theme for the Greater Hartford Greater Women's Conference, in its 7th year, on March 25th. Dr. Gina Barreca's keynote is certainly destined to be thought provoking and hilariously funny! That's who she is and what she delivers!
Possibilities are what we create for ourselves when we're willing to reach up - out - and beyond what we are currently experiencing.
Possibilities are what keeps me going. The new idea is what I need to complete the current project - it's what pulls me through to completion. I always want to jump to the new but mostly I've trained myself to complete the old before plunging into the new.
What if we were to walk through this wintry cold and step into Spring right now? Sign me up for warm and yummy possibilities. My door is open for welcoming the new, for collaborations not yet imagined, and for the fun and life affirming new growth!
March 2014 cover
Workshop: Clear the Clutter
A workshop facilitated by Jill Butler
When: Saturday, March 1, 2014 from 9:15 to 12:30 pm
Where: Spiritual Life Center, Anam Cara Room, West Hartford, CT 06107
Kid Wisdom Rules
Suddenly I HAD to create a calendar. It is almost the new year, YIKES, and I saw the perfect opportunity to not only create a calendar, but to use one of our favorite themes within the JillsBirds'nWords Collection. KID WISDOM. Order here in our boutique and you'll be contributing to the Child and Family of Southeastern CT, as well as offering a charming and handy gift for friends and family!
To answer your question about when's the next workshop? We'll be starting the clearing the Clutter season with a program at the Spiritual LIfe Center in West Hartford, CT. The focus will be cleaning the stuff and the emotional stuff so we can make way for creating our sacred spaces.
I encourage you to subscribe, above upper right corner, to our BeBold! mailing list so you're in the loop. We won't barrage you with stuff.
We're having a grand time connecting our "tribe members in our Blog Book, on Facebook (Jill Butler art&design). If you'd like to be featured, let's talk!
BeBOLD! Creativity - Connecting with Your Divine Inspiration, Workshop October 19th.
Can't see it, find it, or express it, or just plain stuck?
Here is an opportunity to an opening and a way through expressing more of who you are already.
Join Jill once again, or for the first time, in a hands-on, practical, Spiritually connected creativity program. Remembering that "what we imagine is what we create", Jill's everyday mantra, will become yours if it isn't already. This program will be fun and full of discovery!
When: Saturday, October 19, 2013 from 9:15 to 1:00 pm
Where: Spiritual Life Center, Anam Cara Room, West Hartford, CT 06107
Fee: $75 includes the program fee and take home materials; your payment will hold your spot. Please bring a bag lunch!
- See more at: http://www.spiritlifectr.org/index.cfm?load=page&page=88#sthash.tz6YqXdl.dpuf
To register, click here
Recently Launched for GE
Recently launched for the GE Women's Leadership Practices Program are their training materials that "honor" the participant with artfully crafted materials by Jill Butler… art&design. Using their content and our database with 10,000 works of art and the illustrated "Birds" we created their training manual that invites the participant to the table for learning. As quoted by GE facilitator, Sandy Sullivan, "your creativity and tenacity (it took 3 years of holding vision for this to happen) has now, literally, colored GE in such a positive way". Their program has been global for years and now so are we as they leave for San Paulo Brazil! This was an exceptional collaborative project where Sandy additionally noted, "it was a win-win for all. (Our collaboration began in 2008 with the banner and the 60 "Bird" choices. It was inspired with co-facilitator Nancy Schumann who was attending our Creative Intensive Program in our Chester, CT studio.)
Here's a testimonial from a participant who attended the launch program using the new materials.
Good Morning Jill,
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Leadership Practices (LP) course at GE, led by Sandy Sullivan and Nancy Schumann. Needless to the say, the course was phenomenal and the timing for me as a leader both personally and professionally could not have been better.
It is my understanding we were the first class to use the new, colorful binders filled with your inspiring artwork. Even walking into the room the first morning of class, the artwork on the binder caught participants attention and set a positive tone for what was to come. Looking at each of the "Birds" and their mantras gave us pause to evaluate how they reflected in our lives; something we excelled at, something we wanted to be, or something we had not yet considered and now have front of mind for future breakthroughs. As I sit here in my office with my chosen bird of “being is what I am doing” next to my monitor, I am reminded to remain present and to be inspiring and courageous as a leader through all my actions.
The combination of your birds, your artwork and the expertise of Sandy and Nancy made the course a wonderful experience of growth and renewed spirit. On behalf of the April 23-24th Leadership Practices attendees, THANK YOU for your contribution to our memorable experience!
Kind regards,
Jacqueline, GE Health
One Courageous Man
Here we are at The BIG Sweep, 42 courageous women and one VERY courageous man, who showed up at the workshop ready to be encouraged to clear their clutter just in time for our Child & Family 58th Annual huge Tag Sale.
Clearing our stuff is the first step to creating a vision. Often what lives in our disarray are clues for our next new chapter waiting to be discovered.