It’s been a week of rebirth for me: Spending time at home for reflection and meditation, looking within to acknowledge all that I am grateful for, casting new projects on the waters of the future. And, reading Steve Jobs’ biography and other inspiring books.
I limited my intake of the news (it isn’t new), and spoke to very few people. At midnight after a truly beautiful Christmas and a quiet dance in Mystic, I went underground. Some version of this is my annual ritual during this week of the New Year.
Be Bold! was the big message of the week. If ever there were a time to be bold it is now. Many of us are confused about what we are thinking and feeling…too much information overload.
“Be Bold” keeps resonating even in a recent dream that suggests “put a foot in the road and the doors will open.” Sounds easy and magical. My coach elaborated with “put both feet in the road and walk with no history.” Leave behind the baggage of what feels like past failures. Leave all the reasons why we can’t create our dreams. Start walking. Start now one step at a time, is what I understand.
Dilbert cartoonist, Scott Adams wrote in the weekend Wall Street Journal, WSJ, Dec. 31, 2011, about the pleasure of overcoming anxiety and apprehension. He realized that he had been living with a nagging feeling that he was missing out on life by protecting himself from adversity and challenge. Being risk adverse had generated even greater fear. I can’t help but think about the helicoptering of our kids to the point of no-risk. How will they learn to BE BOLD, to improvise and problem solve?
Super-safety may seem to be the better choice, but what Adams discovered by venturing into motorcycling, rafting through the rapids, climbing the impossible mountain was that life was energetic and surprising; the very qualities he became. He was choosing to what I like to call, “to live alive.” Motivated by his experience, I wrote a list of the things had I ventured, risked, or not risked, in 2011. What would be on your list?
The next question to ask is, how will I choose to be bold in 2012? I didn’t feel so bold last year; it felt more like steadying the rudder and holding on for dear life. Be Bold! feels like an invitation to a surprise party. I wasn’t sure exactly how I wanted to start in finding my Bold so I used a familiar exercise mentioned on page 24 of my book, “Create the Space you Deserve” in the section called, “a fat paintbrush.”
Once again I was painting big fat words on recycled paper - whatever came to me. It’s a technique I used when beginning the transformation of life post-divorce. I didn’t get artsy or worry about what it looked like though I did try different sizes and kinds of brushes. I quite literally painted the words, “How can I be bold?” with lots of question marks as well as scribbles of energy which I liked. For five days, I painted every word, question, or thought that came. And then I wrote, made mind maps, and had a coaching session with a new collaborator, Janice Christopher, on finding passion.
I read, slept, watched cool movies, listened to inspired talks then cleaned up my act and walked out into the world for a delicious steak-frites at Chester’s Restaurant L&E with a friend that makes me laugh.
So, how do you want to be bold this year? Send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (include your snail mail address) and the boldest of the bold will receive the original of this month’s JillsBirds’nWords® illustration.
In the end, Steve Jobs’ biography was enormously inspiring as well as Steven Pressfield’s powerful little book titled, “do the work.” Both offered in their unique way the takeaways for this week and they are: focus, do the work, live life, be bold!